1. What is taught is connected to student's lives
2. Stories are shared that are relevant to students
3. Local examples including people are used in teaching
4. Local language and culture connections are made explicit in instruction
5. Stories about the community and its people are used to promote learning
1. Hands-on experiences provide concrete example before any reference to the abstract
2. Connections are made between new learning and previous learning
3. Students are assisted with their work as they request assistance
4. Feedback is provided as students work on tasks
5. Students are encouraged as they work towards learning goals
6. I give students lots of examples to help assist students in their learning
7. I use a gradual release of responsibility in my teaching – direct instruction or modeled action, followed by shared learning, followed by independent learning
8. Members of the community contribute to learning
9. The learning focus and expected behavior in learning are made crystal clear – the what, why and how of learning students
10. I provide examples of a learning product before I start learning
11. I encourage students to monitor their learning and self-evaluate their progress in learning
1. The learning environment has clear expectations for student learning.
2. Teacher includes students' opinions in drawing consensus about matters
3. There are expected routines associated with student teacher behavior
4 I provide a variety of behavior settings and learning environments –direct teaching, working in pairs, working alone
5. My classroom visually represents and affirms local context––
1. Instructions and explanations are abbreviated
2. Teacher actively listens to student responses
3. Students are asked to volunteer answers rather than being asked directly
4. I communicate to students I care about each student and their learning through high expectations, encouragement, challenge
1. I converse with individual students about the things that interest them
2. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from others
3. Students are acknowledged by name
4. We celebrate our successes as learners
1. The learning in this classroom is beyond academics
2. Learning focuses on topics specific to events and matters of importance in the community
3. High expectations for student performance are communicated
4. The tasks carried out in class encourage perseverance
5. Tasks carried out encourage student creativity and independent thinking
6. My teaching focuses on the development of culturally located citizens
7. I attend to literacy and numeracy learning possibilities across the curriculum areas
1. I hold positive views of my students and the community they represent
2. Students' strengths and capabilities are used to support the class's learning
3. I view each student with a positive regard and this is evidenced in my verbal and non-verbal actions
4. I am aware of cultural norms of behavior and communication that might be different than my own and influence my interactions with students and families
1. Students are given time to think things through in their own mind
2. Students are provided with many opportunities to master skills
3. Lessons are paced to allow students time for task completion
1. Visual images are used to communicate ideas
2. Words and numbers in the symbolic form are accompanied by the visual and concrete form